Empowering Utah's Future Together
I am all about helping people. Many know me by the nickname, 'How can I help?' My journey in politics was a way that I decided that I could help people. It started in January of 2016, when I ran as a conservative candidate for Congress. I have grown a lot since then and have had the opportunity to meet many people from different backgrounds, with different struggles and ways of dealing with the world. I do not exactly know what to call myself now, maybe a libertarian, a progressive, maybe a liberal? My goal is to represent and give voice to all the people in Utah's first congressional district, whether or not they decide to vote for me. This includes working Americans, immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community, veterans, and others that seem to be missed in today's political priorities. I want to use my candidacy to build up like minded candidates who will not give up on the people they are supposed to represent at the first sign of difficulty. Please join me in these efforts if you feel the same.
